How to use Keynote
How to use Keynote
Tap AppleStore.
Search for keynote.
Check the price of keynote. (Currently, it is 1000 yen.)
Tap Buy.
Enter your password and sign in to iTunesStore.
Open iTunesStore after installation is complete. This completes the purchase process.
Tap AppleStore.
Search for keynote.
Check the price of keynote. (Currently, it is 1000 yen.)
Tap Buy.
Enter your password and sign in to iTunesStore.
Open iTunesStore after installation is complete. This completes the purchase process.
The next activity will be "Self-Defense (1) - Become an expert at protecting yourself". This time, we will show you how to protect yourself when you are actually threatened by a suspicious person.
The content is based on the previous beginner and intermediate sessions.
How to make a fist
Application (1) (Developing dynamic vision and reflexes)
Application (2) (to make the body able to move quickly)
Guru techniques:Karate
The next activity will be "Self-Defense (1) - Become an expert at protecting yourself". This time, we will show you how to protect yourself when you are actually threatened by a suspicious person.
The content is based on the previous beginner and intermediate sessions.
How to make a fist
Application (1) (Developing dynamic vision and reflexes)
Application (2) (to make the body able to move quickly)
Guru techniques:Karate
The next activity will be "Self-Defense (1) - Become an expert at protecting yourself". This time, we will show you how to protect yourself when you are actually threatened by a suspicious person.
The content is based on the previous beginner and intermediate sessions.
How to make a fist
Application (1) (Developing dynamic vision and reflexes)
Application (2) (to make the body able to move quickly)
Guru techniques:Karate
On-site of of ICT
On-site of of ICT
On-site of of ICT
1. Magic Project Channel
This channel introduces the practice of magic projects, which is a collaborative class between the Advanced Science and Technology Research Center of the University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp.
1. Magic Project Channel
This channel introduces the practice of magic projects, which is a collaborative class between the Advanced Science and Technology Research Center of the University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp.
1. Magic Project Channel
This channel introduces the practice of magic projects, which is a collaborative class between the Advanced Science and Technology Research Center of the University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp.
Medical Care
1. Training for Supporters of Medical Care such as Suctioning of Stool (Specified Persons)
Ehime University's Faculty of Education will hold a training course for supporters of medical care for severely disabled children, such as suctioning of gastric juice and tube feeding, in order to develop supporters who can help create a safe and secure environment so that severely disabled people and their families who need such medical care can lead enriched lives in the community. Training for supporters of medical care such as suctioning of urine from critically ill children: training course No. 3 (for specific persons) will be held.
Date and time
Saturday, September 6, 2014 - Monday, September 8, 2014
September 6 - 7: Matsuyama City Youth Center (12-33 Tsukiyama-cho, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
September 8: Faculty of Education, Ehime University
Parking lot
Yes (If you are using a wheelchair, please contact us in advance so that we can reserve a parking space for you.
6 persons
Those who are engaged in supporting persons and children with disabilities who need sputum suctioning, etc. on a daily basis, and who will perform sputum suctioning, etc. as a business after completing the training, and who fall under the following categories.
Those who live or work in the suburbs of Ehime Prefecture and are able to commute to school.
Have the consent of the patient himself/herself (or the family if the patient is not available) to cooperate in the on-the-job training.
Consent must be obtained from the visiting nurse's office where the visiting nurse will be dispatched and the special needs school where the visiting nurse will be enrolled to cooperate in the on-site training and evaluation.
How to apply
Please fill out the application form and submit it by September 5, 2012.
However, applications will be closed when the number of participants reaches the maximum.
Participation fee
Free of charge
Reference materials
Please refer to the "Sputum Suction Training Textbook (Training No. 3)" provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Textbook for Sputum Suction Training (Training No. 3) PDF file
In addition to the above, videos and other related materials can be downloaded from the relevant pages of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Faculty of Education, Ehime University
For inquiries, please contact
Tomonori Karita, Nobuko Kashiki, Special Support Course, Faculty of Education, Ehime University
Phone: 089-927-9517
E-mail staff [at mark]
Please replace [at mark] with a half-width symbol.
2. Application for the First Training Session No. 3 of 2014
The registration process is currently suspended.
3. List of websites related to medical care in special needs schools in Japan
Saitama Prefectural Miyashiro Special Needs School
The implementation of care by the teacher in charge was started in 2005, and there has been training for the teacher in charge by the prefectural government and the school, and safe and appropriate implementation has been carried out. The school has received high praise from the parents, who say that "the child's world has expanded" and "the child has gained confidence in life at home.
Saitama Prefectural Wako Special Needs School
The school guarantees the "right to education" and provides care as part of its educational activities, thereby creating an educational environment in which students can enjoy a healthier life and be involved in their personal development.
Gunma Futaba School for the Disabled
Daily care is provided by six nurses dispatched daily from Gunma Seido Ryoen. The teachers receive medical care certification from the prefectural government after undergoing lectures and practical training by doctors and nurses, and work together with the nurses to provide care.
Niigata Prefectural Special Support School
Niigata Prefectural Joetsu Special Support School
Hiroshima Prefectural Hiroshima Kita Special Support School
Tokyo Municipal Kodaira Special Support School
Suwa School for the Disabled, Nagano Prefecture
In 2005, a nurse was permanently assigned as a school staff member at the school for the disabled, where students in need of care are enrolled, so that the target students can learn safely and with peace of mind. In addition, under the guidance of the nurse, teachers who have completed training can provide care for the students in their charge within the scope of regulations.
Tokushima Prefectural Kamoshima Support School

Ashikaga Special Support School, Tochigi Prefecture
Implementation guidelines are included.
Since October 2002, nurses have been assigned to provide care under the "Tochigi Prefecture Nursing Measures Project for Special Needs Schools. In addition, since 2009, acceptable care has been provided by teachers, and a comfortable learning environment has been created for students who could not be adequately supported in the school.
Saitama Prefectural Koshigaya Special Support School
Kagoshima Prefectural Kajiki School for the Disabled
It appears that care was implemented in 2009, and as of 2015, the number of students requiring care has reached 60, of which 32 have applied for care. The school currently has seven nurses on staff, and five nurses are always available to care for students.
Saitama Prefectural Hasuda Special Needs School
The "Saitama Prefectural Special Needs School Medical Care System Improvement Project" has started with the addition of the "Division of Education for the Physically Challenged. In addition, medical care is viewed from the perspective of independent activities, and care is provided with the goal of fostering each student's ability to live.